Drawing is an essential part of Lacey’s work. Beyond the texture, nuances of color, and quality of the painted surface which define his oil paintings, the heart of his draftsmanship becomes evident in the detailed, sinuously defined Small Worlds originally envisioned and illustrated in the fantasy drawings of the poetry book Small Potatoes that Lacey created for Louisiana poet Benjamin K. Rogers.

  • Surreal Worlds

This is a wonderful example of the somewhat organic direction in which Lacey leads his paintings. A Night Beneath the Light of Saturn was his first oil painting, begun in high school. He spent several years on the piece, during which time he modified the foreground atmospheric effects (sfumato), and enhanced the cloudy surface of Saturn with the cellular formations of Jupiter as were then being revealed in images transmitted back to Earth by the Pioneer spacecraft. Saturn is far more serene than he has depicted it. Nevertheless, if Stanley Kubrick can move the monolith of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey from Saturn to Jupiter, then Lacey can move the atmosphere of Jupiter itself back to Saturn. Hooray Lacey! In a distant future of a sun grown old and red, the new, larger sun may drive winds fresh across the face of the great ringed planet. What was once cold and distant has become hospitable.

Small Potatoes

a collection of poems by Benjamin Rogers, illustrated by Lacey Stinson


To discuss purchasing individual images or leasing the entire collection, please call or email the artist from the Contact Page.